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This project I took each letter of the alphabet and created 26 new words.  Take a look and consider creating a new word that defines you or your organization.

{zēˌrōt}  French zéro or Italian zero; Old English wrītan

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Luminous listening.  When one is hearidescent, they perceive more than what meets the ear. They listen in ways that reveal and respect not just one sound or wavelength, but a myriad of aural impressions. By allowing us to tune-in to a rainbow of voices, hearidescence serves as a valuable trait for speaking to a variety of issues and ideas. A unifying quality, it is particularly effective in resolving conflicts – be they local or global. Being hearidescent provides us with sounder understandings and insights for living in greater harmony.


{hir irəˈdes(ə)nt} Old English hīeran; Latin iris, irid- ‘rainbow'.
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{ zɛnəʊ jes }  Greek xenos; Old English gēse

One who accepts differences.  A xenoyes is a person or group who welcome what’s strange, foreign, novel and unusual. This attribute supports and celebrates thinking differently. Xenoyes believe that recognizing and appreciating what makes us different is a means of discovering what actually connects us.   


{ vōˈkab o͝o lerē } Latin vocabulum; 17th century bull origin unknown

Language of falsehood and nonsense. A vocabullary consists of a body of untrue words and expressions. Those who rely on a vocabullary can be insecure, delusional, controlling and/or in desperate need of admiration and attention. A vocabullary supports incorrect boasts about achievements and possessions. Learning a new language calls for an honest-to-goodness reality check that takes the bull by the horns and gets the added ‘l’ out.




{ yo͞o  zôrbd }    Old English ēow;  Latin absorbere

Self absorption. Those under the undesirable spell of usorption soak up everyone and everything for their unabetted use. The usorber’s unquenchable urge to put their emotions and interests before others and unfathomable uncaring are usually not understood by the usorber. Burdened with the unbearableness of always putting u first, the usorbed ultimately realizes putting u second is a sure cure that turns them into a human with a fulfilling purpose.   




{tro͞oTH} Old English trīewth;  Old English ēow

Honest with oneself. There are universal truths and their is tryouth. Tryouth emerges when the authentic self speaks and acts without fear. You can handle the truth when you don't know thyself.  The search for tryouth is, in fact, a part of being human whether you are in your youth or later. When one speaks the tryouth, internal and external worlds both become healthier. Realistically speaking, tryouth be told.  




{strət əjē} Greek stratēgia; Old English strūtian 

A pompous plan.  Occurs when ego and insecurity control the reins of strategic planning.  The strutegic process is stiff-armed and bars forms of collaboration or innovation.  The outcome is feathered with hubris and arrogance destined to repel rather than attract. At first glance, strutegies may appear colorful, expansive and even alluring. When questioned or challenged with common sense and truth, strutegies reveal they have no clothes and the strut becomes a slouch.




{ro͞oz sərCH}  Old French ruser; Latin rusus; obsolete French recerche

Deceptive investigation and discovery. Rusearch gives research a bad name.  It starts with ignoring the facts. ‘Aha’ moments are replaced with ‘nah nahs’. The truth is buried, deported, arrested and altered. Numbers, data and proof are scrubbed, deleted and adjusted to meet the need to use and deceive. In conclusion, conducting rusearch produces no valid conclusions.




[ kyo͞o laps ]  Greek qoppa and possibly Egyptian hieroglyphics; Latin collapsus

Falling apart due to you not being there.  Qallapse happens when you or I decide to walk or run away from a situation, challenge, relationship or event.  This detachment or fleeing is often caused by fear, including the fear of success. Qallapse can’t be remedied by a simple vowel movement. It calls for you, me and anyone else who wants to define their life as one led by staying in the thick of things and being wise and compassionate no matter the odds.  Don’t quit The center can hold, but not without you.



[ pres SHəSH ] Old French presse, Latin pressare; Mid-16th century husht

Free press silenced.

         Explanation denied and unauthorized.




[nərˈväNG(k)st] From Sanskrit nirvāṇa; Latin anguish; German, angst.

Simultaneous state of bliss and dread. Once a rare condition, Nirvangst presence is expanding. The core sympton is a tension between feeling perfectly happy, joyful and at peace and feeling fear, anxiety and foreboding. There is both transcendence and trepidation. One remedy for Nirvangst is to make up your mind.



[ ou welTH ] Old English ūle, Old English wel(l), Middle English welthe


Wise, well and wealthy. Who has owellth enjoys the best of three worlds. One possesses knowledge, good judgement, keen awareness and wisdom. One is in good health and free from illness. One has meaningful abundance and a richness in life that is also free from financial worries.  One need not enjoy owellth alone. Actually the ultimate benefit of owellth is when it spreads its wings and touches the lives of everyone.



[mēn  nīs] Old English gemǣne; Latin nescius, nescire


Extreme behavior conflict. The state of meanice can result in either chilling or warmhearted consequences. The choice between acting with anger and malice versus acting with kindness and caring isn't always clear cut. Well-meaning intent can freeze  under the cold cloud of fear. Harsh intentions can melt away with the lit candle of empathy.   



[ləv vərˈbōs] Old English lufu, Latin libet, Sanskrit lubhyati; Latin verbum


Infatuated with using more words than needed. Hey, need we say anything more? We’ll stop right here.



[n(y)o͞on] Latin (g)noscere; Sanskrit nava, Latin novus, and Greek neos; Latin nona

Fresh knowledge acquired at a midpoint. A knewn can occur midway through life, a day, a project, a walk, shower, washing dishes or lunch – actually any sequence of time with two halves. A knewn provides a new insight that helps explain the past or illuminate the future. Like a enlightening noon sun, knewns are known to provide the kind of awareness vital in getting centered in order to face the great unknewns. 



[ jəst  āSH(ə)n ]  Latin justus, from jus; from Latin gestatio, gestare and gerere 

Time to develop fair and right behavior. For some, the justation period can happen in instant, for others it can take a lifetime. Nurtured by compassion, empathy and a concerned moral compass, justation has given birth to many of the most noble ideas and actions. You can witness the offspring of justation in all kinds of settings including politics, science, education, economics and environmental concerns. Justation delivers benefits for the greater good and also the small and seemingly ordinary events of life.

[ həm bōld ] Middle English, Old French, Latin humilis, Old English bald, Dutch boud

One who is courageous and modest. A humbold person can be found in both the most everyday and extraordinary of settings. Those who simultaneously practice humility and bravery have an inspiring presence. Acting fearlessly and unselved is a challenging  equilibrium to maintain, but when it occurs, a greater good is often achieved. It's fascinating, yet not surprising, that those who have the humbold quality aren't aware of it.  




[ īˈdēə lôst ] Latin from Greek base of idein ‘to see’. Late Middle English from Latin idealis.  Old English losian 'perish, destroy’, also ‘become unable to find’, from los.

Escaped concept.  An Idealost can stricken anyone, anytime, anywhere. Idealosts range from profound, almost perfect thoughts to negative and flawed notions.  Idealosts riddle visionaries, idealists, creative directors, coders, as well as thinkers and philosophers who have fled to cynicism and thoughtlessness. But don't lose hope. Ideas that vanish, disappear, go astray or lose their bearings are known to return for the better in the most unthinkable, sometimes even utopian, of settings.



(ɡrā fik) [ Old English great, Dutch groot, German gross. Greek graphikos, graphē ]

A great graphic.  Greaphics can occur in all kinds of visuals – logos, home pages, posters, paintings, drawings, charts, movie titles, packages, symbols, signage, typography, novels, calligraphy, ads and graphic design in general.  To go from good to great calls for the unwavering drive for excellence, receiving the gift of creating the extraordinary and not the expected, and having the talent and and inspiration to make images entertain and enlighten. A graphic with the 'e' factor gets the 'f' out of the way (fear of failure, fainthearted).



       (feer sept) [Old English fǣr; related to Dutch gevaar and German gefahr. From Latin conceptun.

An idea founded in fear.  Fearcepts are developed in states of fright, dread and anxiety. These concepts, reactive rather than proactive, can emerge in all kinds of places and situations, including ad agencies, branding departments, public policy programs, think tanks and philanthropic endeavors. Creators of fearcepts are afraid of what others will think, rejection, unconstructive criticism, the possibility of failure (or success), and the threat of defunding. Fearcepts don't change the world and enable an uninspiring status quo. Antidotes can often be scary as well – being fearless, confident, bold and believing in yourself and others. 



ē môl)  [ French mail from Latin MALLEUS; English abbreviation of electronic mail ]

Abusive email. The incessant harassment of an inbox with unwanted, unneeded messages that aggravate, annoy, anger and instill a sense of losing control. Or a single message laced with harsh, careless criticism and soul-crushing content leading to irreparable damage. How to address emauling is still confounding. It’s been reported that receiving an emaul can trigger some recipients to respond with an emaul. To resist losing composure, consider the consequences and delete the urge when the send is near.



(dādə dəd)  [From Latin DATUM; Middle English dudde for worn-out clothes, worthless; duh American English, origin date foggy.]

Metrics-controlled, extremely obvious, unsuccessful. Occurs most often when there is too much comfort in numbers, research, algorithms and emulation of previous case studies. Dataduhd messaging can quietly disappear like an out-of-focus group into the "so what?" media landscape. Or, it can produce a very safe, expected. Having the courage to respect but not surrender to the data and transcend risk-aversion are steps to take to avoid dataduhd and begin to experience data da! 



(kəmmˈpaSHən) [From Latin commuincat, verb communicare; French ecclesiastical Latin compassio(n-); Old English scunian]

Avoiding, rejecting or ignoring empathy, understanding and concern for others during the exchange of information, news or ideas. This kind of communication can be found everywhere – from everyday conversations, social media posts and advertising to press conferences, public policy and State of the Union speeches. Bullies, blustery bosses and braggadocious brands are some its most visible practitioners. Kindness and mindfulness are powerful counters to commpasshun.



(Breh/yawn/dz) [From Old English brand, Middle & mod. Dutch brand, Old High German brant, Old Norse brandr, from base also of BURN verb – and from Old English geonian, ginian = Old High German ginon, ginen, Middle Dutch ghenen]

A sleepy brand. Not to be confused with Nyquil, Lunesta or a Tyson Turkey sandwich. Unaware they are always in an identity crisis, Bryawnds curl up in all kinds of categories, companies, causes and even individuals. Concocted from veneered values, cautious creative and tiresome tactics, yawner brands can cure insomnia anytime, anywhere. But, Bryawnds can awaken when guided by a noble purpose, a true promise and real meaning.

 A arteread

From the Old French a(d)vertiss and French from Latin – phobus and from Greek – phobos.

One who is fearful of any form of advertising. Said to be caused by exposure to 4,000 to 10,000 advertisements a day, many containing air brushings and hard sells that can lead to unhealthy consumption. The cure for adofobia is for it to heal itself and emerge a carrier promoting relationships, delivering meaningful insights, providing truthful information and doing it with care and compassion instead of igniting and sustaining feelings of need, want and inadequacy.

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